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The 1st ICDS conference intends to bring together junior and senior, international and national researchers, scientists and scholars interesting in the field of desertification combat and water harvesting in desert regions. We think the conference will offer an excellent opportunity for networking with other members and exchange knowledge and explore the most recent developments in the desertification combat such as Water Resources Management in Desert Regions, Ecosystem and Biodiversity in Desert Regions, Geology and Remote Sensing for Combating Desertification, Recent Agricultural Techniques Serving in Desert Soil Management, and Desert Regions Exploitation for Agricultural Production Regards.

We cordially invite participants from all over the world who wish to share their best practices and research findings in Anbar-2021 and enlighten their new ideas to make this event growing from strength to strength. Further details about the conference will be available consecutively.

Participants will be offered the opportunity to contribute to the conference in various roles: they can discuss keynotes, produce a poster presentation and submit full research or review articles. Articles submitted to the conference should report original high-quality and previously unpublished results. Submission of a manuscript implies that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submitted articles will be subjected to a double-blind peer-review process. Novelty, relevancy, language standards, references, and many other factors are considered for the evaluation process. The conference nominated Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Amir Ibrahim (College of Agriculture & Life Science Texas A&M University, U.S.), Prof. Dr. Medhat M. Elsahookie (College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq), and Prof. Dr. Wadid Erian (Faculty of   Agriculture, Cairo University, Egypt) as keynote speakers.